Thursday, 21 March 2013

Not So Complete Rainbow Cake Tutorial....

Stacked rainbow cakes with buttercream filling

Colour your buttercream in rainbow colours


Alooo... long time no see...

Actually I wanted to do a simple tutorial on how to decorate rainbow cake, but faham2 je lah tengah mendeco terlupa untuk ambik gambar...

So basically what you need to do is bake 6 layers on cakes in different colours, it can be butter cake or white cake (just Google for the recipe), and stack them up, filling each layer with buttercream.

Colour the balance of your buttercream. in my case I did it in 6 different colours purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and red, and decorated the cake using petal technique.

Insya Allah next time I will try to do a better tutorial.. and of course...

Happy Baking!


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Over the weekend....

Hi peeps....

It's been more than a week since I've last updated...

Busy busy....

Birthdays, weddings and engagements..

Korean dramas too of course.. currently watching Queen of Ambition (in Astro the name was King of Ambition) and I've just started on That Winter The Wind Blows...

Some of the orders that I made over the weekend...

Ultraman birthday cake (Choc moist + buttercream deco + edible image) 

90 pieces fondant baby theme cupcakes (choc moist)

Pink fondant birthday cake (choc moist)
Smurf Birthday Cake (fondant + choc moist cake)

Liverpool Cupcakes (choc moist + edible image + fondant deco)

Yellow theme engagement cupcakes (fondant + choc moist cupcakes)

3 tier turquoise wedding cake

I was tested while baking these cakes... my oven committed suicide! Luckily most of the cakes were already baked and only the bottom tier of the wedding cake was left to be baked..

Still considering whether I should get a new oven or not... currently I am using my old one.. hmmmm......

To order just inbox me in my FB

Happy Baking!


Saturday, 23 February 2013

Minum petang...

A few days has passed with no new updates... who says blogging is easy? When you read people's blog you think.. hey, I can do that!

But the truth is... blogging is hard work!

Nak upload gambar, nak mengarang ayat... of course I am mostly online but am not in front of the pc 24/7.. blogging to me something that should be done with a PC, pakai tab or Ipad macam kureng sikit... (or maybe its just me??)

Ok... enough with the merapu-rapu... Back to the main topic.. Minum petang..

For today's minum petang I made cream puffs with custard filling, I named them Cream Puffs Janji Ditepati... no no bukan sebab demam PRU 13, but it's something I've promised my children that I would make those puffs for them..

So around 4pm I starting making them, and walla... by 6pm they were ready to eat! (of course the actual time to make them was shorter but due to tengok tv and Facebooking so lambat lah siap puff nya...)

Here's the recipe for you to try it yourself (Credit to Blog Mat Gebu & Dapur Madiha)

Cream Puff/ Krim Paf
Resepi : Chef Alex Goh
Sumber : Che Mat Gebu

Bahan Cream Puff / Pastri Choux
100 g mentega
250 ml air
½ camca teh garam
150 g tepung gandum, diayak
3 biji telur gred A

Cara membuatnya 

1. Dalam periuk satukan air, mentega dan garam. Masak hingga air mendidih dan mentega cair. Masukkan tepung dan dengan pantas kacau adunan sehingga menjadi seketul doh yang tidak melekat di periuk, gunakan api perlahan dan kacau hanya satu arah. 
2. Panaskan oven pada suhu 200C. Lenser dulang pembakar dengan sedikit mentega atau alas dengan silicone paper. 
3. Masukkan doh tadi dalam mixer dan pukul hingga doh menjadi suam. Pecahkan telur dan kacau dengan garfu. Masukkan sedikit demi sedikit telur ke dalam adunan doh hingga habis. Pukul hingga adunan menjadi pes yang lembut. 
4. Masukkan pes tadi ke dalam piping beg yang dipasang muncung bintang atau muncung biasa. Paipkan bentuk siput/spiral atas dulang pembakar. Buat hingga habis dan bakar 20 minit hingga kuning keemasan. 
5. Bila masak, alih cream puff atas jaringan dan biar sejuk. Belah sedikit puff (jangan sampai putus) dan bolehlah paipkan kastad di tengah2nya. Sedia dihidangkan. 

Bahan-bahan Kastard: Resepi : MaDiHaA aka Ratna 

1 sudu besar tepung gandum
1 sudu besar tepung kastard
4 sudu besar gula
1 cwn (250ml) susu segar
1 biji telur
1 sudu besar mentega

1. Campurkan kesemua bahan2 di atas kecuali mentega. Kacau rata menggunakan whisker.
2. Jerang atas dapur dengan api yg perlahan dan masak sambil dikacau2 sentiasa sehingga kastad nampak pekat.
3. Tutup api & masukkan mentega dan kacau2 lagi.
4. Biar sejuk sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam piping bag.

*Note : I didn't cut the puffs into halfs, instead used a piping bag and this nozzle to insert the custard

Pic credit to Mr Google

and the result..

tabur sikit sugar powder / icing sugar for decoration... and ngappp... masuk mulut!

That's it! Simple right? So selamat mencuba and.......

Happy Baking!



Monday, 18 February 2013

Assalamualaikum semua!

My 1st attempt at blogging featuring what else but my cakes....

Where shall I begin? I started baking at a young age of hmmm... maybe 8 or 9 (?) helping my mother baking cookies for Hari Raya...

I was always fascinated by cake decor.. especially cakes decorated using fondant...

And in 2010 I started my online baking business.. Heida's Bake A Cake on Facebook.

Feel free to visit my FB uolss!!

Happy baking!